
Looking for Dubbing companies in Lebanon, Syria and UAE

A large animation group is looking for dubbing partners in Lebanon, Syria and UAE with a specialisation in producing Arabic Dubs of English pre-school content titles

About the opportunity provider

This animation media group is a global leader specializing in creating top-class entertainment content on various media and consumer platforms for kids and families across the world. With an incredible legacy of two decades in the industry, the company has expertise in high-quality content creation, production, distribution, digital media exploitation, licensing & merchandising, gaming, AR/VR & other emerging technologies and animation academics. Having industry veterans from around the world in the global leadership team, the company believes in going that extra mile to entertain the world.

Size – 3000+ employees

Location – Presence in 7 countries

Who is this opportunity for

Company Type – Dubbing Service providers specialising in English to Arabic Dubs

Company Location – Lebanon, Syria, UAE

Next Steps

Send us details regarding:

Brief note about your company credentials

Dubbing facility details – Provide a brochure

Past projects – List of all projects worked in (mention scope of work and team size)


Tags: EMEALocalisation

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