Looking for 20+ movies locally produced in Canada for a french language audience. Flexible on release years and talent level. Rev Share only
Note – Titles should have Rights for Canada. Rights Type required – Streaming/SVOD
Looking for 20+ movies locally produced in Canada for a french language audience. Flexible on release years and talent level. Rev Share only
Note – Titles should have Rights for Canada. Rights Type required – Streaming/SVOD
This company pioneered streaming to the TV and enabled content publishers to build and monetize large audiences, and provide advertisers with unique capabilities to engage consumers.
Size – 5000+ employees
Location – California, USA
Company Type – Distribution Companies
Company Location – Worldwide
Company Size – No constraint
Send us details regarding:
Brief note about your company credentials
Complete list of finished projects – include release year, genre, link to screeners
Indicate Avails information for every title
This group is seeking content related to seafood, coastal activities, fishing, and yachting for distribution in the Middle East.
Genre: Boat, Island, Beaches, Seafood, fishing, coastline, environment Docs, series
Rights: SVOD non exclusive rights
Territory: Middle East
Any languages would do. Content buyer will get the content dub in Arabic
This group is seeking non-exclusive broadcast AVOD/FAST rights for documentaries focusing on nature and the environment. The ideal duration for these documentaries should be 30 minutes or shorter